What is Social Sharing In Today’s Online Business Sphere?

Online businesses worldwide have developed a lot in the recent past. With the advent of a variety of new technologies and applications, it has never been easier to start an online business. With dozens of eCommerce platforms and sites dominating the world of retail in 2019, let’s analyse a particular marketing strategy which has recently been taking over a variety of businesses in the recent past: social sharing.

What’s Social Sharing?

Social sharing refers to a variety of features on a particular site/portal. These features are related to engaging more users with the usage of such buttons, saving, consequently, a consistent part of a business’ budget in marketing/brand awareness. The usage of referral codes and forms has almost doubled in the last couple of years, moving this strategy from being “vaguely” used onto landing pages to becoming the most important brand engagement strategy worldwide.

Where Does This Apply?

The application of social sharing strategies has been proven to work in a variety of business realms, but fashion and food have been the most prolific ones. Many companies with mobile portals, for example, have used referral codes to increase their digital footprint, ranging from restaurant deals to streetwear. The application of social sharing strategies is definitely one of the biggest examples of how digital marketing costs nowadays, given the fact that in some cases they’ve actually saved many companies’ internal marketing budgets.

The Mobile Factor

Of course, social sharing strategies are the most impactful element for what concerns the creation of a viral marketing campaign and, sometimes, they actually amount to the entire business’ architecture. Brands like Uber and the recent Dines app have been incredibly successful in applying social sharing strategies to their architecture, successfully engaging millions of users with their referral codes and procedures.

To Conclude

When it comes to brand engagement and brand awareness, social sharing strategies are still, to this very date, one of the most successful and powerful plans applicable to an online business and, given how technology is moving towards having us connected to the internet 24/7, we can expect this to grow even more in the future.